Improve performance
students, schools and school systems
Improve performance
students, schools and school systems
Improve performance
students, schools and school systems
Welcome to Quality Learning Australasia
We exist to help support your efforts to continually improve.
We help organisations and individuals to build their capacity to apply improvement principles and practical, 'how to' tools and strategies.
We provide professional learning, tailored support and practical resources.
We use improvement theory and tools proven over many decades in industry, government, non-profits and education. Collaboration and inclusivity are key to the approach, as stakeholders work together to improve.
Practical, proven improvement strategies and tools significantly change how we lead, learn and work together.
In education, the focus is on improving learning. Students are equipped with the strategies and tools they need to have voice and agency over their learning, the classroom and the quality of school life. They understand what they are learning, why and how. They set meaningful goals. They monitor their learning progress and can articulate their success. They know what they need to do next.
"The ability to perform quality improvement miracles in every learning system has always been available to us; it is the power within.
The processes and concepts have been developed and tested in business and education for decades. All we need to do is start.
David Langford, Langford International Inc.
Learn more about Quality Learning.
Latest news
Outback looking forward: Creating a shared direction at Winton Early Years Learning Centre
In December 2022 we supported the fabulous team at the ‘Little Swaggies’ Early Years Learning Centre in Winton, outback Queensland, to agree a shared strategic direction. The centre provides early childhood education and care for 41 children from across the Winton shire. We worked over three days with parents, community members, Centre educators, and leaders to capture everyone’s ideas to agree a purpose, vision, values, graduate profile and priorities.
This resulted in the drafting of a Centre system map that captures – on one page - the agreed strategic direction of the Centre.
The comprehensive graduate profile (stated as the outcomes in the system map) makes explicit the skills, capacities, behaviours and attitudes the Centre is helping children to develop. It reflects the Belonging, Being and Becoming Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
The system map also makes explicit the values and behaviours all stakeholders agree to aspire to as they work together.
Exciting next steps include the team sharing the draft with the broader community to finalise it. It will then be used in an ongoing way to align effort, inform planning and decision-making, and to help monitor progress.
At their next meeting, the team will identify and prioritise the key improvement projects that will deliver against the agreed strategies and document their 12-month project plan. An improvement team will be appointed to work on each project. They will apply the collaborative, structured Plan-Do-Study-Act improvement process and tools to ensure that each project delivers agreed, sustainable, evidence-based improvements that contribute to achieving the vision and purpose. The team are bringing to life the wonderful Winton way of Outback looking forward... and the wise words of Dr Joseph Juran; ‘Improvement is achieved project by project – and in no other way’!
Updated QLA Plan-Do-Study-Act improvement guide
Our updated Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) guide is now available. The how-to guide helps you to apply the PDSA cycle to provide structure and rigour to your inquiry cycles and improvement efforts. Learn how to use PDSA and apply simple and effective tools. Involve stakeholders, identify and address root causes and use data to achieve more sustainable solutions. Learn more about PDSA here.
Contact office@qla.com.au today!